Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Equipment & friends

So i've now got new shoes which have been road tested for a couple of weeks now, and a funky pink hat to go along with my Breast Cancer Charity theme (pink, pink,pink!!) and a pink boa just to add color - not sure about wearing that during the race tho, it'll be hard enough to complete let alone to run it with sweaty feathers sticking to my neck, ack! Ha!

Ruti was very interested in the feathers of course, and Zoot couldn't help but have a go at wearing the hat! Let's just cross our fingers for some sun so that i need the hat to keep it off my face! (it's currently SNOWING!!!!)

Technically today is a huge milestone in my running career(albeit a very short career, ha!) today we ran/walked the mock-10k(local route mapped out in distance to practice on). I was actually pleased with the amount of jogging i did compared to the amount of walking, thought i would have done more on the walking side of things. But it was surprisingly comfy to do and i feel great now afterwards. Although i did have a nice soak in the tub to soothe my aches & pains. But i'm pleased and i know for a fact that i am "able" to run a 10k, which is the "practice" run i'm doing with a co-worker in June, and then the biggie half-marathon is in October, just one step at a time!


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