Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jog attempt - update

Ok, that didn't go so well. The jog went pretty badly, my knee and hip both hurt and it made me a bit depressed/upset as you can imagine.

I went to the Doctor today to tell him my knee wasn't better (even tho it had been fine for a while and was ok with the gentle stuff) and asked what i can do. So i've got a physiotherapist Appointment later this month for my hip, which is the original problem, and we'll see what they say.

This is just depressing. Why do our bodies not do what we want them to do? Just run legs, stay strong knee, be painfree hip!




Blunked said...

One word ....

SWIM !!!!

Three actually ... SWIM and BIKE !!!

Melissa said...

Funny you should say that, heheh, i went swimming yesterday and am going to use the stationary bike in the gym this lunchtime!
