Saturday, July 09, 2011


(Tenuously linked photo)
Ruti sat within the coffee table on top of a pile of Runner's World magazines.
Today’s park run was a tough one for me. For no particular reason I found myself really struggling towards the end but I managed to make it through the finish line without stopping at all which is my primary goal.

On my way home, I stood on the Metro listening to my favourite choice of cool down tunes (a bit of Arcade Fire) and had an amusing epiphany of the aromatic variety.

I noticed a niffy whiff of stale sweatiness and slyly looked around me to see from where this rather manly scent was emanating. Subconsciously I realised I was placing the blame on a middle-aged man standing nearby until it dawned on me that the sweaty stink was really my own, tee-hee!

After the initial moment of embarrassment, I was actually very proud cuz hey.... I had worked up quite a sweat and had my very own potent Eau d’sport to show for it. Thankfully I was still wearing sporty clothes which gave me an excuse to be slightly stink-tastic, right?

Motto of the moment: Be proud of your athletic aroma, yay for sweat!

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