Well, here it is, my new solo blog......oooh exciting yet scary! Be assured that all is well and i'm excited about the future and all the amazing possibilities it has to offer!
So i'm starting this out with some fabulous FOOD photos from my recent visit home "to the bosom of my family for some much needed TLC" as a friend described it.........TLC in the form of yummy food and lots of fun! Hell yeah, just what i needed!!!
In order of the photos:
- Monster slab o' Mom's special ribs - a 6 napkin meal for sure, but amazingly tasty!
- Open-faced American style HUGE & messy sandwich - tie your bibs on and dig in!
- THANKSGIVING DINNER including my Gram's awesome cucumbers....mmmmmm!
- American style breakfast - oh yummmmmm......pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon AND eggs, slather it in syrup and ketchup and shovel into your mouth!!!!
- lovely sized Steak & potato - traditional and tasty served with some blue cheese for a tangy twist!