Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stuffed Pizza......Chicago style!!!

Mmmm....I was talking to someone recently about Deep Dish pizza....and it dawned on me that not everyone has had the pleasure of knowing Giordano's Deep Dish Pizza......mmmmmmm.....
i forget that Giordano's is a Chicago Thing!!


I'm drooling just thinking about it.....

It's the bestest most amazing Deep dish pizza ever! It's Gooey, cheesy goodness is second to none! Ok, i'm booking my flight right now.....i want some PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, i don't own stock in Giordano's hahaha i just genuinely love their pizza, and to be honest, when you find a food that you love, you do tend to miss it when you haven't had it for a looooong time. And really, the pathetic British frozen version of "Deep dish" just does NOT even compare to the authentic Yummy thing!!!! Good try tho guys! ;)
Chicago sure does certain foods well......Chicago-style hot dogs, burritos as big as yer head.....and Giordano's Deep Dish pizza.......have some for me!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blast from the Past......

Well, the not so far away past, hahahha, but still the past......Christmas 2006! Spent in Milan with my family, (Hi Mom & Dad!!) You can tell by the head apparel that it was a teeny bit chilly and of course we had to keep warm! Even with my super-stylish(ahem! No laughing!) green hat! I thought i was the coolest looking green hatted person in that park! Ha!
But to be honest, the Italians do love brightly colored things and they are the height of fashion most of the time, so i think i blended in just fine! (ie: punch pants, need i say more??) Hahah!
So yeah, since i haven't been taking any pics lately, and i'm (still!!) waiting for the pictures from my birthday party (ahem!!!!) i don't have anything else to post.....and as it's sunday i feel i need to put something here! I could just subject you to more cat pics? hahahahah!
So There ya have it!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Gorgeous Newcastle....

So, this is just one of many cutesie little bits of Newcastle that make me smile as i wander around some days. Other days it's so dark & rainy you can't be bothered to lift your head up for fear of drowning(ok that's an over exaggeration.....just slightly).

But at this time of year it's mainly the cute stuff that catches my eye along with the spring bulbs that are blooming! My garden has burst forth with greenstuff! Yay!

Altho i will have to be digging most of it up to cart away & also give away for when i move to my next dwelling, but it's nice to appreciate it while we have it, right?!

And speaking of appreciation.......there are some amazing bloggers out there who update DAILY, wow!!!! But even if you don't have the time to update your blog daily, i like to read them anyway, haha, and since this one below is of particular interest to me, i thought i'd share it with you!

A fab blog of Daily Newcastle shots, it's great!!! Check it out: http://newcastleupontynedailyphoto.com/

Friday, March 02, 2007

Weekend of Dave(cont'd)....

And just in case you didn't beleive me......
From Top to Bottom:
  • Andi & Dave outside the Newcastle, City Hall venue after his soundcheck, before the show (how excited does she look??)
  • Andi & Me outside the side door at the City Hall, Newcastle enjoying the soundcheck(was very loud and enjoyable! who'd think a wooden door was so NOT soundproof! Ha!)
  • My CD with Dave's silver autograph! Yay!