Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ruti & Zoot

Well, when i get the urge to take photos often it's cuz Ruti & Zoot have been around for inspiration....and today was no exception.

I'm currently sitting at the computer post-edit randomly choosing music to listen to on iTunes while i upload the photos, and at the moment it's on some Herb Alpert....and I have to say that it's quite cheesy. I can't even remember why i decided i needed a bit o' Herb at some point in the past on iTunes, but apparently I felt the need and it's there for the long haul.

So, on that note.... imagine that you too are listening to trumpetty 70's lounge jazz (a la Senor Alpert!) and enjoy the cute kitties below...

new bed = new nap location


Ruti, looking like an angel, awwwww.....