Mmmm....I was talking to someone recently about Deep Dish pizza....and it dawned on me that not everyone has had the pleasure of knowing Giordano's Deep Dish Pizza......mmmmmmm.....
i forget that Giordano's is a Chicago Thing!!
I'm drooling just thinking about it.....
It's the bestest most amazing Deep dish pizza ever! It's Gooey, cheesy goodness is second to none! Ok, i'm booking my flight right now.....i want some PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, i don't own stock in Giordano's hahaha i just genuinely love their pizza, and to be honest, when you find a food that you love, you do tend to miss it when you haven't had it for a looooong time. And really, the pathetic British frozen version of "Deep dish" just does NOT even compare to the authentic Yummy thing!!!! Good try tho guys! ;)
Chicago sure does certain foods well......Chicago-style hot dogs, burritos as big as yer head.....and Giordano's Deep Dish pizza.......have some for me!!!!!