Sunday, July 06, 2008

Declutteration (Part II)

Hmm..... declutteration, is that even a word? I say so!

So i've spent a good chunk of this morning doing some more de-cluttering, and wow! It is freeing to have less stuff! Granted what i'm getting rid of isn't making too much of a dent in my overall "stuff" count, but i feel better for it. It's the stuff i won't miss, don't need, and shouldn't keep anyway. So out with that stuff!! (makes room for new stuff, haha!)

I've even read a book this past week which i found during last weeks clear-out. It was just a fluffy chick-lit book - ya know one of those books about a girl who shops too much and then falls in love with prince charming who magically asks her out and they live happily ever after....i'm not even kidding that's exctly what happened! Ha! But it was cute, and i enjoyed having a book i couldn't wait to read each day, i like that!

I've also unearthed a whole box of picture frames, in varying sizes, shapes, etc....some unused candles and a collection of scarves i forgot i had! This is all from the original move way back last year when i shoved things in boxes never to be seen again.....until now! It's kinda like Christmas, except i get to decide what i want and don't want, and some things get hoyed out and some get kept, and some get USED even, wow fancy that?! Ha!

Yep, a good clear out is good for the soul.

Speaking of all around "good" things.......i've been keeping up on my gentle training this week. I've been to yoga(still loving it and i was even told i was stretchy - yay me!), been to the gym twice and am about to go for my official first jog/run of the training. My knee feels super(i haven't "noticed" it for over a week now) and i've borrowed a sport knee brace thanks to my pal Lynsey, so i'm going to give it a go! Once i've turned off the computer, i'll be heading outside for my run!!

Wish me luck and i'll report back when i'm thru.... be continued.

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