Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Physio suggests....

Well, after my 15 minutes of excitement, there's some not so exciting news. I have been to the physio who has told me to stop running completely until i strengthen up my weak and wussy inner pelvic muscles thingies. So i may well be walking the Great North Run - poop!

She didn't give me the muscle names, so not sure exactly what is wrong except that i'm weak in my core muscle area, but i could have told her that without doing the tests! So my pelvic muscles/tummy muscles are the bad guys, and they're not keeping the hips held in place the correct way, so i have hip droppage and wiggle/rocking(but not in the sexy Marilyn Monroe way either!) which cause a repetitive strain thingy, ok.....something like that. I'm not a physio so excuse me for my lack of knowledge, and now i do these little, but quite difficult, exercises for 2 weeks and then go back and see whatever it is we see.

I'm feeling a bit down to be honest, but what can i do? Really, all i can do is get myself strong however she tells me to and do the GNR however i am able to do it, and hope that in the long run i will be an able-bodied runner. I think it's really the fact that i ENJOY running that is so upsetting, i'd love to get my shoes on and get out there and run like the wind, or even like a spring breeze, if i could. Plus this is one of the first times in my life that i have a big goal and feel like i actually CAN achieve it, and in the little steps along the way i've been super pleased with my progress, so i was well on my way to success.......and then BAM! Grrrrrrrr!

But thank you to my special people who have all been nothing but supportive in this whiney and painful trek to figuring out what the heck is going on with my hip/knee, it's nice to have people with positivity oooozing outta their pores surrounding me! So thank you!!!

1 comment:

Blunked said...

It is so sad to hear this news , when someone finds something they can do in life and to be told not to do it , i dunno... must be heart wrenching. I never knew anyone could enjoy running this much to be honest. I was a wee school kid once, skinny as a rake. I use to run for my school and district and whooped ass ! 1500 metres , no one could touch me in my school , and attending the regionals with my school . Winning there was a nice achievement too. The thing was I hated it . I loathed it ... even tho i had a natural talent of being super skinny and able to run..

So what is it that makes running so appealing to you kenzie ?

Maybe some sit ups or crunches would help ?

I would say doctors are not the be all and end all of health. They fill us full of things we dont need, instead of telling us to eat better , drink less etc...

Only YOU truely know if you are able to run in the GNR .