Monday, May 05, 2008

It's like the escalator...

So I went for a run this AM, and it was particularly tough to do even though it was first thing in the morning, which is usually a good time for me to run.

I guess some days will just be like that, but it'd be a heck of a lot easier if stamina/endurance was steady. It's probably one of those things that will come in time as my training goes on, at least I hope! And it is only the second month of my serious training, so I can't expect too much just yet! I should be happy just to be getting out there for a run, and I am, but it's difficult when the results are slow-going. Although, slow & steady does win the race. It's like my morning escalator ride...

Each morning I choose to walk up a very long/high escalator on my way to work. If I wanted to just stand & ride the escalator it'd be way easier and I'd just stand on the right with all the others who don't want to break a sweat before their work day, and up we go!

Instead, I choose to walk up the left side of the escalator and end up huffing & puffing when I reach the top(mainly because i don't have the patience to stand there for 5 mins while it slowly, slowly crawls to the top). I just take it one step at a time, at a nice slow pace and don't look up at the tippy-top cuz then I'd fall over, but I just keep focus on the single step in front of me, one at a time....and then all of a sudden i'm at the top and off to work I go!

So, somehow that relates to my running, day i'll be at the top of my training and off to the race i'll go! (hopefully in time for June 15th's 10k!!)

Or something like that.....ha!

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