Monday, May 19, 2008

Virus gone, hopefully?

Well then, had a little trouble with my computer for a bit there. It all seems to have been sorted now, phew! It is super-frustrating to be without computer access, that's for sure!

I've been out tonight for a run and I feel good! It's 8:30pm and still light out - it's hard to get used to the fact that it will be light until pretty late(at least 9pm) and then get light again at around 4am! We are pretty far north here in Newcastle. And it's even more light when you have rather thin beige curtains - yikes! Ha! That's where a face mask comes in handy(along with my earplugs for my noisy neighbors & my mouth gaurd for my teeth grinding - Oh my! wWhat a cutie I am at night!!!).

So i think it's safe to say that aside from the occasional cool/rainy day, it is as close to summery as we're gonna get over here. We've had a couple of extra warm days and they were lovely - everyone is crossing their fingers that those few days of niceness weren't the whole summer already been & gone, ha!

Overall it's been really nice weather for jogging lately. So nice & warm that I've had to get one of those ipod armbands in order to strap my ipod to me since it's too warm to wear my jacket which had a pocket. So i have my cute pink armband which i like to think of as a sweet little accessory to go with my other pink accents.

So yeah, nothing profound or all that interesting at all to say today - just wanted to write something to explain that my computer was not a happy-bunny and that's why i've been "silent" for a bit, but it seems to be fixed, so all is well - yay!

Oh yeah!! Remind me i need to do an entry on the FABULOUS BAKE SALE!!!!!! I'll need more time than i have right now, so it'll have to wait. But i've got some awesome photos, you WILL BE DROOLING!!!!!!

Toodles 'til next time......

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