Saturday, April 30, 2011

Angel at Sunset

I had the opportunity to check out the Angel of the North at sunset recently and as you can imagine it was extremly picturesque!

 It is an impressive view from afar and can be seen from the highway as you drive past but it is even more impressive up close and personal.

Staring up at the wings from the base of the Angel’s feet gave me a feeling of just how impressive this giant rust colored sculpture is and the fact that it’s right on our doorstep is even better.

If you aren’t convinced by the sculpture itself, then the fantastic views across the Gateshead countryside make it totally worth the ride to see it!

Parkrun paragraph: This week was Save the Children’s Born to Run a parkrun event as well as a Lucozade promotion event with free orange flavoured drinks being given out (hence the orange items of clothing being worn by the runners). The cows on the Newcastle town moor were particularly curious about the wave of orange-clad runners zooming past them this morning. One little moo-cow even tried to join us and jogged alongside the path for a little bit. There was even a small group of cows that were attempting to cross the finish line and had to be shooed politely away from the area for fear they'd block the path. All in all, it was a lovely morning for a parkrun!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who is Born to Run a parkrun?

I am definitely born to run! And maybe you are too?

I know my American family & friends won't be able to participate in a parkrun this Saturday, but they may perhaps choose to go for a run in the spirit of it. It's all about getting people active & healthy and helping a great charity in the process.  Those of you in the UK might decide to have a go at trying out a parkrun especially since it's a great atmosphere full of like-minded individuals and it's free!

I've poached the below straight from the parkrun newsletter(why change what works?) which can be found here in its original context

It's Save the Children Week and the charity is encouraging its supporters to run their local parkrun this Saturday as part of its "Born to Run" campaign.

Why? In the world's poorest countries, millions of children are dying. Illnesses such as diarrhoea and pneumonia - dealt with easily in the UK - are allowed to claim 8 million lives every year. But we can all help bring an end to this dreadful tragedy, and a small donation goes a long way - as little as £3 can treat 8 children with life-threatening diarrhoea, £10 can buy a week's worth of malaria treatment for four children.

Save the Children is asking the UK public: what were YOU born to do? As a parkrunner, there are several ways you can get involved:

•Support Save the Children through your parkrun this Saturday - make a donation:

•Set up a midweek running class - help your fellow parkrunners get in top shape for a Saturday morning PB, or prepare new runners for their first parkrun, whilst raising valuable funds. Save the Children will subsidise a Leadership in Running Fitness course for parkrunners - learn more and order a free Leader's Guide:

•Show your support for Born to Run on Facebook: 

So hopefully there will be lots of new parkrunners this Saturday making the most of the long Bank Holiday weekend with a lovely run in their local park. Enjoy!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lilac Loveliness

This weekend I happened across some fantastically fragrant lilacs while walking along the Tyne river.  The smell reminded me of home and brought back memories of my childhood.

When I smell lilacs it reminds me of  the numerous lilac bushes right outside my childhood bedroom window  whose aroma would fragrance the summer air. 

I actually remember at one point the neighborhood clan of kids spent some time sucking out the pollen in the middle of the tiny individual flowers and got a sweet little flowery hit. I can't help but think that it was someone's idea of a joke....or perhaps it was a dare of some sort. 

Hmm....either way, lilacs will always remind me of home.  

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bacon Sandwich Delight

While at a wedding this weekend I experienced one of the most amazing bacon sandwiches that I’ve ever had the pleasure to taste.

The delightfully delicious bacon buns were brought out at exactly the right time. Just when you have realised that you need a little something to soak up the glass or two of crisp white wine you've had and to fuel you for the rest of the evening's celebrations .... cue bacon sandwiches, voila!

Vegetarians turn away now please......

White bread buns toasted to perfection, the bacony goodness grilled just right with a slathering of butter gently melting into the toasted bread and dallops of brown sauce adding a bit of zing.

One must be extra vigilant not to get the greasy drips of deliciousness on one’s wedding finery and it was definitely a two napkin job.  Mmmhmmm...can’t beat it!

These simple creations hit the spot and were extraordinarily tasty. Alas, I do not think I could possibly recreate this edible epiphany-causer with my own hands, so I’ll have to make do with the memory and a photo (always with a photo!).


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Even Ducks Love a Sunny Day

The weather today is gorgeous in Newcastle, in fact, the last few days have been fantastic Spring days which everyone seems to be taking full advantage of and enjoying to the fullest. I wouldn’t even be suprised to hear of a few unexpected sun burns after this weekend of frolicking in the all too infrequent rays of sunshine.

Even the cute ducks in Newcastle University’s Harry Potter-esque courtyard were out enjoying the beautiful weather and they seem to be multiplying?! I swear last time there were only two, so perhaps the word is spreading about how nice a courtyard it is, or perhaps that female is one hot lady duck and there will soon be fistacuffs between those three fellas over her affections? Who can tell. This was the first Saturday in ten weeks that I haven’t run the 5k parkrun and instead I volunteered at the event. It was a totally different perspective as a volunteer. Not only did I get to watch all the runners take off at the start but I also got to welcome them at the finish line which was really enjoyable. It also gives you a greater appreciation of just how much organisation and effort goes on “behind the scenes”, and that’s just from the tiny bit that I’ve seen this week. In future, when we give the volunteers a round of applause at the start of the parkrun i’ll be clapping extra loud.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Tenth 5k Complete in my Ten-Week Challenge

Me wearing my cute '10' pin from my friends and holding my Pet Lamb Patisserie treats

Breakfast: 2 oatcakes

Temp: 54 F / 12 C

Weather: rainy on and off with some gusts of wind(fun combo!)

Time: 27:43

Number of times played Bloc Party's "Flux": twice

(probably could have a whole playlist of just this song?!)

Today marks my tenth 5k in ten weeks in order to raise money for Save the Children's Born to Run Campaign. I have now successfully completed my Ten Week Challenge and have raised over £386 in the process! I even had a little cheering section at the finish line today in the rain which was such a sweet surprise (in more ways than one since Emma had brought me a delicious cupcake, yum! Thanks!!).

The weather was not exactly cooperating with the runners but we can't have perfect weather all the time, now can we? Overall it wasn't too bad, but there was one particular part of the course when the wind picked up blowing the rain straight into our faces. For some runners this provided a little extra challenge to push through with a determination to keep pace and for others it kicked our butts a bit more than the usual(me!).

The big talk of the morning and on the parkrun Facebook page was the fact that the cows are back on the moor for the summer. Not to mention the actual 'evidence' that the cows are back on the moor, since it was a bit of a dodge 'em game on the path trying to avoid stepping in the pats. We had a rather surreal start to the run with two big ol' cows happily munching on the grass at the side of the path as we all swooshed past. It makes me wonder if all parkruns have their own unique set of residents that come with their course?

Even though my Ten Week Challenge is over I have well & truly caught the running bug and will endeavor to continue for as long as I am able to run. I have really enjoyed the past ten weeks of parkruns for my challenge. The whole parkrunning experience is something I will definitely include as part of my regular routine.

I have signed up to volunteer for next week's parkrun since there is always a need for volunteers to help the runs go smoothly each week for the runners. It's like a well oiled machine. I've truly appreciated how great an experience the parkrun is in these past ten weeks, and I'd like to say a big thank you to the parkrun team!

Also, a big thank you to everyone who has donated to my fundraising efforts for Save the Children and to everyone who has provided words of encouragement along the way!

Now I'm going to go eat my sweet rewards courtesy of Pet Lamb Patisserie's Make and Mend Market stall.....mmmm!