Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who is Born to Run a parkrun?

I am definitely born to run! And maybe you are too?

I know my American family & friends won't be able to participate in a parkrun this Saturday, but they may perhaps choose to go for a run in the spirit of it. It's all about getting people active & healthy and helping a great charity in the process.  Those of you in the UK might decide to have a go at trying out a parkrun especially since it's a great atmosphere full of like-minded individuals and it's free!

I've poached the below straight from the parkrun newsletter(why change what works?) which can be found here in its original context

It's Save the Children Week and the charity is encouraging its supporters to run their local parkrun this Saturday as part of its "Born to Run" campaign.

Why? In the world's poorest countries, millions of children are dying. Illnesses such as diarrhoea and pneumonia - dealt with easily in the UK - are allowed to claim 8 million lives every year. But we can all help bring an end to this dreadful tragedy, and a small donation goes a long way - as little as £3 can treat 8 children with life-threatening diarrhoea, £10 can buy a week's worth of malaria treatment for four children.

Save the Children is asking the UK public: what were YOU born to do? As a parkrunner, there are several ways you can get involved:

•Support Save the Children through your parkrun this Saturday - make a donation:

•Set up a midweek running class - help your fellow parkrunners get in top shape for a Saturday morning PB, or prepare new runners for their first parkrun, whilst raising valuable funds. Save the Children will subsidise a Leadership in Running Fitness course for parkrunners - learn more and order a free Leader's Guide:

•Show your support for Born to Run on Facebook: 

So hopefully there will be lots of new parkrunners this Saturday making the most of the long Bank Holiday weekend with a lovely run in their local park. Enjoy!!

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