Saturday, March 05, 2011

Sixth 5k down, only four more to go!

Temp: 41 F or 5 C
Today's Weather: white cloud (according to BBC weather)
Today's Time: 27:47

This week marks the sixth 5k in my 10-Week Challenge and today's run was a mini challenge in itself.

I've had a bit of a cold that has left me feeling rather 'blah' overall this week and therefore not up to much exercising (I know, i'm a bit of a wuss!). Unfortunately this has meant that through the week when I would normally have done my training (yoga, spinning and at least one other run) I've decided to take it a bit easy in the hopes that the cold would just go away. I know some folks say that exercise helps you to get better. I applaud them for being able to power through their colds but I am a firm believer in the power of resting(long live the nap!).

My goal for today's run was simply to complete it without stopping and I've achieved that goal so I'm quite content. Phew. Is it time for a nap now?

On a running related note, a colleague of mine who has not run since school has mentioned that she has decided to run one of the 5K 'Race for Life' events happening this summer here in Newcastle. What a great way to raise money for Cancer Research UK and get herself moving at the same time. I'm very excited for her and who knows, she may even decide to join the growing group of her colleagues at the Park Run 5k one Saturday morning! *wink, wink*

This week I've finally received my first Runner's World Magazine, woo! It is definitely a good read and very inspiring. Although i'm not sure I will ever be a die-hard runner who travels the world marathon'ing, I think I will definitely be able to learn some techniques and tips to better my run. Plus it came with a sample of some sort of banana protein recovery shake which I have yet to try, but having this sachet of shake-to-be in the house makes me feel like a 'proper runner' for some reason. I haven't subscribed to the idea of needing fancy recovery drinks and refueling snacks yet, but I may be persuaded if it does the trick(and if it tastes yummy, ha!).


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